Sandersons at Fox Valley Grand Opening…#Sheffield

As is always the case whenever I'm scheduled to go somewhere special something ridiculous happens. On Monday it appears I washed my face with a flannel that had blinking turps on it! Yes chuffing paint remover - turps! Long story short we have decorators in who had cleaned their brushes in the bathroom unbeknown to me. How I didn't smell it … Continue reading Sandersons at Fox Valley Grand Opening…#Sheffield

This weeks favourites…lippy, music 1980 style, Mr Malik and is he really going out with her?

I've spent the day with the Mr. We are in the mid-throws of decorating our living room. There's been lot's of chat ... mainly of the is "Cheryl really dating Liam" variety (and so far not much painting!). It's Sunday we don't do taxing conversation. Coffee and pastries have featured highly and I've insisted we have MTV on so I … Continue reading This weeks favourites…lippy, music 1980 style, Mr Malik and is he really going out with her?