B E A U T Y • my hair loss / thinning journey

A few months ago Toni, my hairdresser commented on the amount of hair there was in the sink after rinsing my hair. It was something I had noticed myself but was in full denial about. I joked that I was malting like a cat does in the hot weather.

Call it vanity , because let’s face it basically it was, but it was also the kick I needed. I rang the doctors the very next morning . I had some other things I wanted to discuss; things that I thought may be contributing. My 6 week long periods every couple of weeks for one !

After a fairly in depth conversation with the doctor blood tests were booked in to rule out thyroid problems, low iron levels, clotting and some other bits that I forget !

My blood tests came back a few days later but I had to wait 2 weeks to speak to my doctor again!

Results identified that I did have very low iron levels and further tests were booked to check out some other concerns. Transvaginal and ultrasound scans to investigate my heavy, very long periods. But that’s another story for another day

If you have found your hair thinning or you are concerned you are losing more hair than usual I would recommend you initially speak to your doctor and book a blood test as a first step to rule out certain things. Low iron levels [ and tyroid problems ] can contribute to hair loss and it could be as simple as ensuring you ‘up’ your levels.

I am currently taking my iron tablets twice a day and have been doing so for the past 6 weeks. I have also incorporated a few other recommended products into my routine because I want the thickest, healthiest head of hair I can ! My friends tell me you can’t see a difference but I am a born worrier and need to take action before you can.

I’m going to share the products I am using with you today which have all been purchased by myself. I am NOT working with any of these companies and gain nothing from recommending them, just a happy heart I guess.

There is no quick fix and it will take months to see and feel any difference. I have been using the shampoo for 6 weeks and the tablets for just under 4 weeks


When I worked for Josh Wood Colour in Boots last year I was situated across from the ‘Healthy Hair’ section. I spoke to a lot of ladies who were after advice on products . I also directed a lot of ladies to the Waterman’s Shampoo and Conditioner; they didn’t want advice, they knew exactly what they wanted and raved about this brand.

I realise there are alot of products on the market for hair loss / thinning hair but with these conversations still fresh in my mind I decided to order myself some shampoo. Word of mouth recommendations from people parting with their hard earned cash are often the best.

The shampoo costs £13.95 for 250ml , as does the Conditioner. You can purchase it in larger branches of Boots and directly from Waterman’s. I got a 10% discount on my first order by ordering direct

Waterman’s Grow Me Shampoo

Encourages Hair Growth
• Strengthens Hair Follicles
• Contains Natural DHT Blockers
• Improves Scalp Circulation
• Increases Hair Density
• Added Body & Shine

It contains Biotin, Caffeine and Argan Oil
For best results they recommend you use 4 times a week for 3 months. They also recommend you use the conditioner which is on my ‘to buy next‘ list.

I love the shampoo as it gives me full, bouncy hair. My BF finds it hilarious; he says my hair looks so big after it’s been freshly washed and dried its as if Im wearing a pair of earphones under my hair ! I’ll take that as a sign that on the fullness scale it is working. Regarding growth it is too early to tell but saying that I have got some baby hairs around my hairline that I’m sure were not there before.

TRIOEXTRA : EP Food Supplement

Tricoextra is a Trichologist approved hair loss treatment that has been specifically developed to help resolve excessive hair loss and to give support to your daily nutrition to provide everything essential for a healthy scalp and hair.

They were recommended to me by a lady over on Instagram [thankyou ] I investigated, the reviews were mainly positive so I decided to try them for myself. I have nothing to lose , except maybe my hair ! Seriously … they seem to know what they are talking about and the lady behind the brand Eva Proudman is a Consultant Trichologist.

Capsules contain
Biotin – essential in the conversion of carbohydrates into energy and helps your body use amino acids which are the building blocks of your hair.
Calcium – important for healthy hair growth
Zinc – supports hair tissue growth
Vitamin C – helps prevent hair becoming dry and brittle
Iron – aids the production of red blood cells that carry oxygen around our bodies including the hair follicles

I purchased a 2 month supply [120 capsules] for £34 or thereabouts [ there was an offer on for free delivery ]

I spoke to their customer support who advised I won’t be able to see or feel a difference for at least 3 or 4 months. I’ve been taking them for almost 4 weeks, so it’s early days yet.

I take 2 capsules a day with water . They recommend you avoid dairy products for an hour either side as dairy can reduce absorption.

I have also stopped following the Keto diet. While there is no proof whether it can contribute to hair loss or not after a few ladies reached out and advised me that while on Keto their hair had actually started to fall out , I decided to stop and I ate all the bread !

As it stands today I am still losing more hair than I’m comfortable with BUT it is less than it was which I see as progress and a definite positive. I’ve been advised it will take time so I will continue with my routine and report back in a few months.

I hope you’ve found this post helpful , please feel free to share and if you have any recommendations please leave them in the comments below. I’m always up for trying other products.

Until next time,

Tracey x

3 thoughts on “B E A U T Y • my hair loss / thinning journey

  1. Anonymous says:

    I have been on this journey for a year now , and whilst under investigation they found a lesion they thought was cancerous on my scalp so in the middle of covid I needed to have it removed to test it .
    No one to do it ,even struggled to get done privately but eventually did minus £700 but thankfully despite my doctor saying it was malignant it was ok .

    Than started again looking for consultant to address the hair . Mine if thinning everywhere but most of all my fringe is receding . I have seen a medical committee along with my own consultant snd after all this time the only thing they say to try that’s without risk is Regaine fir women which you can now buy over the counter at Boots . £35 a can and apply it once a day .

    Unfortunately cannot see any improvement after 6 months .
    The best treatment so far is from Victoria Health. Try their Fulvic Acid Range , really good site .

    Good luck with your journey , best advice is lower stress as mine seems worse when I am anxious . X

    • lizandtracey says:

      Thankyou for popping across and reading . I’m very happy to hear the lesion was benign. I bet that was such a big relief

      The supplements I am taking take around 3/4 months to work / show any improvement but I have high hopes as the lady behind the brand is a Trichologist. I’ll definitely be reporting back. It’s such a minefield isn’t it as there are so many products out there .

      I love a good recommendation so I will definitely look into the Fulvic Acid Range and yes they and not be a stress head. I’m stressing about losing my hair !

      Tracey x

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