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Clearing the clutter… My wardrobe over haul

My friend Sue has put me to shame and has recently had a de-clutter getting rid of over half her wardrobe. When we met up last week she enthused about how good it felt to get rid of the old to make way for the new.

She has ‘cleansed’ her wardrobe and it was genuinely making her happy?

Alien to me…

I’m a hoarder.

I chuck nothing!

I always fear I’ll regret it and that said items will suddenly come back ‘in’ and have their day. My yellow shoes are testament to this!!

Today however I woke up with a fresh and different frame of mind. I thought you know what. If I’ve not worn it for a while and it doesn’t hold any fond memories, it’s going. (I have dresses that may only get an airing once or twice a year… the above doesn’t apply to them. I’ve kept them as they hold fond memories and I will wear them again)

My wardrobe is fit to busting and to be honest I never have anything to wear. It doesn’t take a lot to go figure that that means I’m keeping one hell of a lot of crap.

I decided to put them all in category’s and then photograph them.

It’s certainly been a bit of a revelation and I’ve learnt a lot about myself.

Firstly its not exactly a capsule wardrobe , I have a mixture of allsorts.

Secondly, I have ‘a thing’ for cream blouses / shirts with pussy bows. Who knew I had so many?! Where, when and how…

I also have a thing for ‘wilderness’ jackets. Zebra, Tiger, leopard anyone – I have them all?

I never realised I had any favourite colours. However looking at the photos of the dresses it appears I favour cream, navy and burgundy.

So do you want to take a look at what’s left in my wardrobe?

Yes, then step this way..

Cream shirt anybody?

One in action … from Tu  Sainsburys. I go for bread and milk and come back with clothes. Win Win in my books!

From left to right ( It’s like a scene from Unusual Suspects ) Primark, Zara, Somerset by Alice Temperley, Zara, H&M, Somi and Sainsburys.

I love lace and beads

Blouses galore (not any cream in sight)  : Zara, H&M, Dorothy Perkins, F&F Tesco, Leopard Print  by Next, ASOS and H&M

My selection of ‘Wilderness’ print Jackets.(below)

I love me some print and I’ve ‘collected’ these over the years. Most of them were bought for work . I tended to wear them with a LBD and heels.

They also look great with jeans and a pop of bright colour. What am I saying they look good with everything!!

I love dresses. Close up detail of my favs.

Here I am wearing dress from The Abby Clancy Collection from Matalan.

All the items  I’m wearing above survived the chop!

These dresses survived the cut.


Navy and cream features highly.

I had to keep some of the ‘Fun’ dresses …because some days just call for a wacky dress!


My array of colourful winter warmers. From left to right : Grandmas vintage leopard skin (its at least 40 years old) Winter white faux fur from Primark , H& M faux suede mac , Marks & Spencers orange leopard skin, Zara yellow print and LK Bennett Grey Mac.


Greens through to grey to black leather…

The jackets I couldn’t throw…


The denims…which could do with a bloody good iron. There’s more in the form of 2 mores shirts that are in currently the wash.


A few of my shoes

Dog Walking attire… John Partidge and my trusty Black Barbour. Not pictured Bench Grey jacket with hood ( my godsend)

My funny little selection of colourful Skirts. I adore the Pink floral from LK Bennett. It cost an arm and a leg but I figure I’ll keep it forever and ever. Plus its great for swishing .

and my cheeky minis… I tend to wear these with oversize jumpers and biker boots

I don’t usually buy matching hand bags and shoes as it looks too ‘done’, these are an exception, though I tend to wear them alone and mix and match.

Just a few of my many bags…

The Heels – Leopard Print by Dune, Black and White – Ruby Shoo (kindly gifted to me) and the Navy are by Kurt Geiger which I wore to my best friends wedding. Sparklers below are from Next. It was love at first glisten.

If you can believe it… its actually looking far more organised.

I’ve obviously not featured everything I own ( we would be here forever!)

I have the usual t-shirts, jumpers, jump-suits and jeans – but the clothes featured make up the bulk of my wardrobe.

Its been an eye-opener ; you should see what I’ve thrown away! Well what the charity shop will be getting on Monday.

I do think I will need to ween it down even further, but for now I think I’ve done rather well. * pats herself on the back*

What do you think to my wardrobe? What should get the cut next?

In other news (as promised) a quick update on the ghost walk around Sheffield City Centre that I went on last week.

I survived it!! Yay!

It  was good fun but it was freezing. Too cold to be standing around if I’m honest. Each ‘tale’ took about 20 minutes ~(there were 4) by which time I’d lost the feeling in most of my body.

The ghosts didn’t get us but the cold did!

We ended up in the Old Queens Head Public House, where we drank hot chocolate and were told about the 11 ghosts that reside there. Mary Queen of Scots dog being one of them?!

Fascinating stuff but no ghosts spotted on the evening unfortunately. I was even channelling my inner Dereck! “Mary wants Dick” styley.

We are planning to attend one of the ‘gruesome ‘ ghost walks later on in the year when its hopefully slightly warmer but for the time being I’m going to love you and leave you. Its time for coffee and some Criminal Minds.

Love me some Criminal Minds. (its no wonder I can never sleep)

Love me some coffee.(its no wonder I can never sleep)

Its been a good, productive day. (I’ll sleep tonight)

Until next time,Tracey x

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