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L I F E | the dog walk

At this time of year I could happily snuggle up on the settee with my frothy coffee and not venture outside for ‘ walkies’ until springtime. It tends to be dark, drizzling, pouring down, blowing a gale, icy, snowing …. or all of them! I begrudingly get ready, muttering swear words under my breath as I do.

Mollie follows my every step , looks at me with those big brown eyes and gives me ‘that‘ look. I melt. I get my boots and coat on and fit her harness . Off we toddle together armed with a bag full of poo bags , treats, hand sanitizer and lipgloss

Just Mollie and I.

Our Mollie .How could you say no to that face

Its not long before I’m smiling at strangers and exchanging pleasantress –

Morning” … “Nice day isn’t it”… children and old ladies want to pet Mollie. She lies on her back encouraging belly rubs . She’s such a flirt.

I can feel my frown starting to lift. I find myself walking along with a swing in my step ;  singing, smiling and feeling lighter. I’m toastie and warm beneath my furry hood . I breathe in the fresh air, filling my lungs with goodness, my cheeks flushing with colour.  Mollie happily tootles off in front, sniffing everything … her tail excitedly wagging ten to the dozen. Occasionally she will look back at me as if to say ” come on Mummy you are walking too slowly”

It’s my daily reminder that life is good, my surroundings are beautiful ; to find pleasure in the ordinary everyday . I wouldn’t change a thing… BUT I also know that I’ll go through this whole rigmarole again tomorrow !!

Anybody else ??

AND I would happily never pick a pile of poop up again

Tracey x


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