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Tuesday Rambles…

Before we start, this post is a little all over the place… abit like my head today it lacks direction. I’m not sure where it’s heading.Just go with it if you don’t mind.

As you may, or may not know I’m a 44 year old divorcee (I’m 45 in December – how the bloody hell did that happen?!!!) who has been dating an ‘old friend’. We are fast approaching our first year together.Yay!

I have no children. Yes you read that correctly – 44 with NO kids. My wombs fully intact and as my surgeon informed me (I had a cyst removed along with an ovary some time ago) ‘it’s rather lovely and perfectly formed’ That’s something I never thought I’d hear, (or share with the world, come to think of it!)

I suppose I’m in the minority. My age with no off-spring. Please don’t pity me. The simple truth is that I never really wanted kids. I love kids, other people’s kids. I like to hand them back at the end of the day. I have all on looking after myself and not all of us are born with that natural maternal instinct.

I do however have 2 cats, Lola and Frankie and a dog, Mollie who belongs to my boyfriend. I’m your everyday ‘Dr Dolittle’

I don’t believe in pigeon holing people, but people do like to put you and things into categories. As they say a place for everything and everything a place. I’m often asked what type of blog I write, which got me thinking…what type of blog do I write? (Please don’t say a rubbish one!)

I’d say the blog is abit of alsorts really – lifestyle mainly. My on-line diary with a big old chunk of fashion and beauty … with hopefully some good old Yorkshire humour.

Yes I fall into the ‘over 40 band’ but I’d like to think it appeals to all ages. I also love my home town of sheffield and it features highly.

I’m a passionate ‘very amateur’ photographer and my camera is always with me. It’s on it’s last legs mind. The poor things held together with cello-tape, but it works. Just about.

I’m hoping Santa sends me an Olympus Pen for Christmas. I’ve read really good reports and it’s,also rather pretty.

I love a good architecture or landscape piccy. Infact Saturday afternoon was spent with the Mr, walking Mollie and taking pics in the local woods at Grenoside…

I think somebody forgot to tell November that it’s actually winter, and not mid summer. Not that I’m complaining. It was an absolutely beautiful day.

I was dressed like ‘nanook of the north’ (again) with daft boots on (again!!) My face looked like a baboons bum when we’d finished. Having said that we did walk over 4 miles!!

I’d like to think that our regular readers (Hello all 3 of you.) Know me/us alittle and like what they read and see.

I just thought it would be nice if we shared abit more about ourselves; the people behind the blog. If I say so myself I have led a quite a colourful life to date.

I’ve read a couple of blogs recently where they’ve done the following post as way of introduction. Ok as introductions go, it’s 2 years too late, and maybe abit lame but whats that between friends eh..

So here goes 5 things you may not know about me…

1.) I’m a fully qualified graphic designer. I studied at Sheffield, before moving to Lincoln for a further 2 years to finish my studies.

2.) I spent 6 glorious weeks island hopping around Greece with my best friend Karen. We were both 17 at the time and what an adventure and experience it was.

I kind of wish blogging had been around then as we visited some amazing places, met some wonderful people and learnt so much. You’ve never lived until you’ve sailed through the balmy Greek night, drifting away while a German guy serenedes you and the rest of the passengers with his guitar…memories eh.

We bumped into Judith Charmers on the island of Ios. She was filming ‘Wish you were Here’ only she didn’t. She really didn’t like Ios and was finding it hard to say anything positive.

3.) I have starred in an advert for a Greek hotel chain. Yes, little old me. I was on holiday in Corfu sat minding my own business when I was approached by a member of the film crew. Would I mind being filmed in exchange for some free cocktails?

Ten minutes later there I am sat in the hotel’s sauna with 2 Greek guys. “Look natural” they enthused “and make small talk”. Easier said than done when you can’t speak a word of Greek and they can’t speak English !

Apparently I was a natural… at talking giberish… to strange men in saunas!

4.) I could (during my peak) drink a pint of Guinness in 9 seconds. It’s not big and it’s definately not clever! Well I say that, at the time I thought it was pretty marvellous.I was young and impressionable. Boys loved it 🙂

It does have it’s dis-advantages. My (then) boss was once very bored at a (very boring) corporate do and decided we should leave early but in explosive fashion. He made me stand on a chair and perform like a bloody seal before we all legged it to the exit.

I don’t think I’ve ever felt so stupid in my life. 50 odd men watching on bemused, counting me down clapping and jeering…as I necked the pint!

5.) I’ve met Take That, Lulu and Paula Yates, in the Music Factory in Sheffield in 1996. My friend blagged us into a private party. We had no idea at the time how she did it and what or who it was for. Happens it was for bloody Take That –  their after show party!!

My face when Jason Orange came and stood next to me at the bar and ordered a drink must have been a picture! I remember he had chiselled cheekbones, wore a string vest and leather trousers. I didn’t speak to him. I just starred like a woman possessed . When I meet famous people I just can’t speak. My mouth opens but nothing comes out. I am quite literally ‘gob-smacked’

So there we have it, I could go on as I have loads more stories but I’ll shut up for now. As Larry King famously said “I never learnt anything while I was talking”

A bit of a different post hey and if you got this far, thanks for sticking with it?!

I’ll be back next week with my head back on track and a little review of a product I’ve been using for a couple of weeks now along with a cataplexy update.

I’ve also bought my first pair of pleather leggings from Next that may get a little post of there own too, cause I’m rather liking them. I can’t wait to style them up.

Here’s a sneaky peak…

Until then, I’ll sign off.

Tracey x

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