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P R O L O N • fasting mimicking diet – pr product

A few weeks ago I underwent the ProLon Meal Programme. ProLon is a 5 day dietary Programme scientifically developed and clinically tested at the University of Southern California Longevity Institute and School of Medicine , one of the leading centers for research on ageing and longevity.

The ProLon Meal Programme consists of proprietary plant-based soups, bars, drinks, snacks, teas and supplement formula tablets . They are all designed to maximize the protective effects related to fasting, while providing micronutrient nourishment, as well as minimizing hunger and the burdens associated with fasting.

I decided my body needed this – it needed a reset. I had started snacking on chocolate, and general ‘crappy’ food a hell of a lot. Reaching for the Pot Noodles and drinking copious amounts of coffee. I’d go as far as to say I was 75% caffeine. My diet could be better and hopefully this would be the kick start I needed.

ProLon kindly sent me 2 meal programmes so that for moral support my boyfriend could do it with me.

Each Box contained all the food and drink that must be consumed during the 5 days. It comes housed in 5 boxes that are numbered Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4 and Day 5 along with a drinking bottle and full instructions.

It is very straightforward, if a little boring. Your calorie intake is basically restricted to 800 calories per day, so you don’t eat a great deal. It was a shock to the system , I can tell you!

Breakfast was good . I do not normally eat much in the morning so I found it very satisfactory. A nut based L-Bar and a herbal tea.

Lunch consisted of soup with either crackers or a handful of olives. Dinner was also soup , finished off on a couple of evenings with a L -Bar Choco Crisp. The L – Bar is tiny but the chocolate hit was one I relished. I would make that little bar last a good 5 minutes ! Delicious.

D A Y 1 to D A Y 5

Day 1 was fine although I would have killed for a cup of frothy milky coffee . ProLon kindly worm you in gradually and on Day 1 you are allowed the most food over the 5 days . I started with an horrendous headache that lasted a few days. I presume this is a side effect of cutting off my usual high intake of caffeine.

Have I told you I love my coffee. I honestly think that was one of the hardest things for me – not having any for 5 days.

I actually woke up feeling quite energised on Day 2 and 3, but I still had a headache and I found I was ready for bed at 8/9pm.

Day 4 was definitely the worse day for me. I felt lethargic and just plain grumpy. I had a spout of diahorea, which I presume was my body clearing itself out. I was craving coffee and cake, infact I am sure that’s what I did most of the day, dream about what I would eat when I went back to eating normally.

I spent Day 5 doing mainly what I did on Day 4 thinking about all of the food I could eat when I resumed my normal diet. I felt tired and hungry and relieved that tomorrow I could have boiled eggs for breakfast. I strangely found myself craving eggs as well as cake !

M Y V E R D I C T •

Generally I feel as though my body thanked me and it had a much-needed cleanse. I found I was inspired to write and had a lot of clarity, especially first thing in the morning. I can not say it was easy because I struggled on the last couple of days. I suspect it didn’t help that my period started on Day 2, so I was craving all the sugar!

The food is basic but surprisingly very tasty. I am a massive fan of olives but I usually have more than 8 at any one time. The soups are basically posh cup a soups – it is worth noting that the Minestrone and Quinoa blends need to be prepared on the stove and are not microwaveable.

The highlight of my day was definitely the L-Bar Choco Crisp which you are given on 3 of the 5 days. Like I said it is tiny but it satisfied my sweet tooth.

One of the most important things I have learnt from the experience is that I love my food BUT I do not need to eat as much as I was. I can live on the basics if I need too and I realise I sometimes eat out of boredom.

On a daily basis I am trying to substitute some of my coffees with herbal tea and since I resumed my normal diet I am not eating as much chocolate. I am surprisingly opting for healthier options. Lots of fruit and Greek yoghurt. That’s got to be a good thing right ?

If you would like to try ProLon for yourself I have been given a code – TD25 – this will give you £25 off a ProLon programme. // HERE

Tracey x

* If you have any underlying conditions it is advisable to speak to your doctor before commencing ProLon

*PR product from Clare Forde PR

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