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This growing old malarky – its fun isn’t it ?

I turned 50 in December and while I am happy to report nothing has fallen off yet I have found parts of my body ache for no reason [ currently my knees and bizarrely my fingers ] I could do with an afternoon nap and I have access wind [ perhaps that’s just me! ] To top it all off you are then handed the menopause.

To be honest my symptoms have not been too bad [ yet ] but something I am suffering with are periods of dry eyes. It appears to get worse on an evening ; my eyes feel uncomfortable, irritated, even sensitive to light on the very bad days.

Dry eyes are caused when not enough tears are being produced to keep your eyes lubricated. An imbalance in the female sex hormones [ androgen & oestrogen ] can contribute . These natural hormone changes influence the production of tears to keep the eyes hydrated. As we age and during the menopause we start to lose them.

Just like my feet, if my eyes feel uncomfortable I’m not a happy bunny.

This is where Artelac Eye Drops have been coming to the rescue. Preservative free, contact lens friendly multi dose eye drops for fast and lasting relief from all symptoms of dry eyes.

I have been using a combination of these eye drops for the past 3 weeks and they are definitely keeping any dry eyes at bay.

The range consists of:

– Reinforces your eyes natural barrier against allergens and reduces inflammation and irritation.

– Contains a combination of ingredients that provide immediate relief and long-lasting moisturisation as you sleep

ARTELAC Everyday
– Contains a natural moisturiser found in the healthy tear film, that refreshes and calms your eyes, providing fast-acting relief from all symptoms of dry eyes.

They are easy to administer. You apply one drop of Artelac Every Day into the eye as the need arises. You can use them every day, as often as you want and there is no limit to the duration of use.

I have actually been incorporating them into my everyday routine . While undertaking my morning skincare I have been adding Artelac Everyday.

It makes perfect sense that while I’m applying my eye cream and lash serum I pop in my eye drops; make it part of my everyday routine. My eyes love me…I hydrate my skin, why not hydrate my eyes too ?

I keep the drops with me in my makeup bag [ not that I’m currently going anywhere ] and if necessary apply more throughout the day. It’s great for refreshing tired eyes especially if you have spent long periods of time working on the laptop [ or scrolling Instagram on your mobile ]

I do the same routine at night while applying my evening skincare; only I substitute the Everyday drops with the Night drops.

Since using ARTELAC I have not experienced any dry eyes and that makes me extremely happy. For that reason I would definitely recommend.

For more information and to purchase // HERE

Until next time, Tracey x

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